Underfloor heating is energy-efficient

Expand your brand with our smart and energy-saving thermostats.

Our thermostats are developed to improve energy-efficiency for electric and water underfloor heating systems .An underfloor heating thermostat provides an easy and convenient way to control the temperature in your room, providing comfort and ensuring the room is at a temperature best for you.

We provide both traditional manual thermostats and smart controls that can automatic heat and remote access from your mobile phone.

Underfloor Heating Thermostats

Smart Thermostats

Programmable Thermostats

Manual Thermostats

Mobile App

Smart WIFI Thermostat

Smart Thermostats control your heating automatically and effectively.

Controlled remotely with mobile app, smart thermostats control your heating system and can help save energy automatically . Our Smart range of heating controllers work with both electric underfloor heating system and water underfloor heating system.

Programmable Thermostat

Smart Thermostats control your heating automatically and effectively.

Controlled remotely with mobile app, smart thermostats control your heating system and can help save energy automatically . Our Smart range of heating controllers work with both electric underfloor heating system and water underfloor heating system.

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Phasellus ac nibh eleifend, sagittis purus nec, elementum massa. Quisque tincidunt sapien a sem porttitor, id convallis.